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Our Platform

Our platform  connects, orchestrates and augments people and technologies in real-time. They now deliver enhanced digital services in time-critical & demanding environments.

We've created an industry-first advanced HyperAutomation platform as a service. It's an agile, no-code, digital transformation layer seamlessly operating across IT estates of any age and complexity.

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Our platform's patented, intelligent orchestration engine, enables people, multi-vendor robots, our MiniBots, digital and AI tools to simultaneously co-work in real-time as an augmented, hyper-productive, workforce.

Together, they transform all processes, of all complexities: from the front-office to the back-office, across all channels.

Where human experience and AI  insights are instantly required at each process step, handoffs are made simple via robot created, intuitive, contextual, digital user interfaces. They continually guide employees and customers, in real-time.


These robot guided journeys enable everyone to easily experience much simpler, optimal, digital interactions and next best interactions. They're proven to result in transformed digital services.

How our platform works

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Here’s one way the platform transforms the contact centre

Key Platform Features

Unique platform features

Upskill all types of robots
  • Bring your own robot - optimized out of the box for Blue Prism RPA, while natively working with RPA tools from Automation Anywhere, Microsoft, NICE and UiPath

  • Intelligent real-time orchestration of multiple robots, so your robot estate can be “sweated” with just 1 robot supporting up to 10 concurrent staff in a contact centre.

  • Robots create digital user interfaces for each process step in real-time based on data received. The whole layout, content, look and feel is entirely dynamic and changeable in real time.

  • Robots enabled to process data across systems at real-time speed - with typical UI to robot comms as quick as 10ms.

  • We empower robots and / or our MiniBots to drive these “next-best-interactions” in a real-time guided journey to vastly simplify employee work and customer interactions.

Our MiniBots
  • Our API MiniBots enable higher-speed connectivity, via HTML or REST API's, to multiple digital systems: faster and easier than traditional robots


  • Our Tasks MiniBots also reduce the expense of requiring separate BPM tools

  • MiniBots deliver further savings, greater processing speed and productivity

Multi-channel transformation 
  • Easily works across all channels including web, mobile, chatbot, voice recognition, email, chat, IVR, SMS, telephony and more


  • Very high re-use of automation work assets across channels

No hassle accelerated deployment    
  • PaaS and on-premises, with proven enterprise scalability and 24x7 resilience

  • Look-and-feel configurable and can be embedded into existing systems

  • No coding required, no change to existing systems or mass data migration needed

Seamless universal integration
  • Connects with and extends scope of all ages of technologies


  • Seamlessly augments existing corporate systems: website, intranet, CRM, ERP, BPM etc

  • Simple utilisation of any new technology including AI, OCR, ML and more

  • ROI is achievable in months: at 10% of the cost of traditional approaches 

Easy to use securely at scale

 Easy to use for process designers

Easy to use for employees

Hyper scalable & available 

Ultra-secure compliant scalable

Designing transformed processes is easy for skilled RPA developers working with SMEs using a familiar design process that only takes several days to learn.

Our platform can be used on any device anywhere. Our robot guided approach to working via intuitive digital UIs, ensures optimal user performance - with minimal  training.

Our platform's extreme scalability is proven by its real-time support of 10,000's of devices or users. It's also extremely available with 99.999% up-time, DR, auto-recovery, no loss of data.

All end-to-end process data is triple encrypted down to each user and device, with tamper-proof blockchain, GDPR/PSD2 compliant. Proven mission-critical scalability.

Get in touch 

Speak with our experts about at delivering better work, smarter - today. 

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